Team Profile
At partner and senior level there is a broad range of skills with a modern approach to provide added value to your business. We consider ourselves to be “business people” as opposed to Accountants.

Peter Lingham
Started the practice over 30 years ago.
After qualifying with a three partner local firm moved to Grant Thornton who were, and remain, one of the largest national and international firms.
He was exposed to a wide range of disciplines.
“The experience of working both for local and national firms, together with the actual exposing myself to the “sharp end” of business by starting the practice, provides me, I feel, with the insight and experience to deliver practical, realistic advice.”
Fun Loo
Built up through organic growth and reputation, one of the few specialist practices for the Chinese community.
Joined up with Peter to maximise the level of service and personal opportunities.
“Understanding cultural differences, and benefitting from speaking to my clients in their native tongue, gives both parties far better understanding and more comfort with each other.”